A very Special Day

Today I remember my Mum. 11 years ago she passed away, we miss her everyday but the memories of her forever live on.

For those of you who have recently lost or live with the loss of a loved one, be it family or friend the jagged edges of the hole they leave slowly become smoother with the ability to remember the happiness and love they brought to our lives.

I needed the support of a bereavement councilor to help me through my grieving process which not only helped me see a way forward but also my family come to terms with their loss and understand the journey I was traveling through, without being fearful in sharing how we were all feeling.

The template my mum left me in becoming a mother and now a Nanny has paved the way of how 'I am me'.

I find the joy, laughter and love we shared is the shining light which stays with me when feeling down and in all I do. The hole is still there, but it now has lovey soft edges and is a place which can't be filled but is not a black hole but has a shining light which allows the sunshine into my life...

For those of you who today is also a day of memories like mine - I send you a hug.

Link to Bereavement website https://www.cruse.org.uk/

The short time I have been visiting my new friends with Cornwall Assist I have found a new focus and I thank you my friends.

Both Rob and I are here to support anyone who needs a hand to hold or get to the places you want to go to.


Remembrance Sunday 2021


Our first blog